Caring For Your Elderly Cat in Its Final Hours

If you have an older cat who is suffering from a condition that causes death or if you think they are near to death due to their age, you will most likely want to make their last moments comfortable. Knowing some of the signals that cats give when they are preparing to pass away can help you get into the mindset to help them through the transitional phase between life and death. Here are some steps to take when your cat is displaying signs that it is in its last hours.

See A Veterinarian First

If you are afraid your cat is not going to live much longer, seeing a veterinarian, like Pittsburgh Spay & Vaccination Clinic, to confirm your cat's state can be very helpful. A cat that is in the last stage of life will usually stop eating and drinking, ignore people, act lethargic, and hide in strange places in the home. These signs could also indicate a medical problem that can be treated, making it necessary to see a veterinarian for an official diagnosis. If the veterinarian confirms that your pet is about to pass on, they will make some suggestions on how you can make the cat more comfortable during this trying time. 

Allow Your Cat To Hide

If your cat is indeed dying, it may feel more secure in a spot away from activity within the home. Allow your pet to hide if they are found doing so. Removing your pet from its hiding place can be distressing. Visit your pet in its hiding place often so it knows you are nearby and it will have the comfort of your voice and touch. Do not allow your pet to go outdoors as there is a chance it may pass away in an undetermined location, afraid and alone. 

Increase The Comfort Level

If your pet is confirmed to be dying from an ailment, ask your veterinarian to prescribe pain or anxiety medication to help make the transition a bit more tolerable. Your cat's quality of life will improve slightly if it is not hurting as it is passing away. Most cats will experience a drop in temperature as they are getting close to death. Make sure the spot your cat has selected for its last moments is equipped with a source of warmth, such as a fuzzy blanket or increase in temperature on your thermostat.

Stay with your cat if possible. It may start to cry out during the last few hours. Talk calmly to your cat and stroke its fur during this time. This will help it pass away with someone caring nearby, and will be helpful to you in saying a proper goodbye as well.

About Me

Keeping My Dog Healthy

As soon as I brought my pet home from the store, I realized that things were going to be different. He brought a sense of importance to my life that I didn't have before, because I had to take care of him every day. It was amazing to be with him and enjoy his presence, and then one day, he got sick. I realized that I didn't have the skills to take care of his illness, so I consulted a professional veterinarian for help. My vet gave him the medicine that he needed, and he also taught me how to care for my sweet little guy. This blog is all about taking care of your pet and keeping him or her healthy, so that you can enjoy your life.

