Keep It Pumping: 4 Tips For Keeping Your Dog Heart-Healthy

If you have canine members of your family, you should know that they can develop heart problems just like humans. If your dog has been diagnosed with heart problems, it's important that you follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. Here are four simple things you can do at home to keep your dog heart-healthy.

Make Mealtimes Easier

If you're feeding your dog one large meal a day, you may be placing unnecessary stress on its heart. Eating and digesting a large meal can be difficult for a dog with heart problems. Instead of one meal a day, switch to several small meals throughout the day. It's also a good idea to elevate the food bowl so that your dog doesn't have to bend down to reach its food. This is particularly beneficial for large dogs that have to bend down farther.

Watch the Weight

If your dog is overweight, that extra weight could be placing an added burden on its heart. If you're not sure if your dog is overweight, rub your hands over its ribcage. You should be able to feel its ribs through the skin. If you're only feeling flab when you rub your dog, you should talk to your veterinarian about a healthy weight loss plan for your dog. If your dog receives snacks from the family dinner table, you should cut back on those. Human food is often higher in fat content than dog food is, which could contribute to canine weight gain.

Keep It Moving

If your dog leads a sedentary lifestyle, you may want to add exercise to its daily routine. Daily exercise can help improve the health of your pet's heart. Don't overdo it though. If your dog isn't used to exercise, try limiting your daily walks to just a few minutes each day. You can increase the duration once your dog is used to the added activity.

Know the Danger Signs

If your dog has heart problems, it's important that you keep an eye out for potential warning signs. These signs could indicate that your pet is experiencing a heart emergency. If your dog experiences any of the following signs, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

  • Gasping for breath
  • Uncontrollable coughing
  • Bluish tint on the inner lips
  • Abdominal swelling

Heart problems can affect your canine friend. The information provided above will help you control your dog's heart problems. It's also important that you take your dog in for regular medical check-ups. This will help your veterinarian monitor your dog's heart health. Contact an animal clinic for more information.

About Me

Keeping My Dog Healthy

As soon as I brought my pet home from the store, I realized that things were going to be different. He brought a sense of importance to my life that I didn't have before, because I had to take care of him every day. It was amazing to be with him and enjoy his presence, and then one day, he got sick. I realized that I didn't have the skills to take care of his illness, so I consulted a professional veterinarian for help. My vet gave him the medicine that he needed, and he also taught me how to care for my sweet little guy. This blog is all about taking care of your pet and keeping him or her healthy, so that you can enjoy your life.

