Allergies In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

If your dog has suddenly begun to suffer from itchy, inflamed patches on the skin, you may be concerned for their health and well-being. While the patches can be indicative of a serious issue, allergies may be the reason and they can be easily treated. Below is an overview of allergen symptoms in dogs, how you and your dog's vet can find the cause of the allergic reactions, and common treatment options.

Symptoms of Canine Dog Allergies

For many humans, the first signs of allergy season begin with a sniffle or a cough. Dogs, however, tend to show outward signs of their allergies.

If your dog is suffering from allergies – seasonal or food – their reactions will show on the skin. Patches of dry, itchy, irritated skin are the first signs of a reaction. These patches can cause excessive scratching, licking, and even biting. If not treated, these inflamed skin patches can become infected and lead to more serious medical issues.

Finding the Cause of Your Dog's Allergies

While it may seem difficult at first to determine the exact cause of your dog's allergic reactions, there are a few things you can do to narrow down the suspects. Food allergies are the easiest to determine, so your dog's veterinarian may suggest an elimination diet. Common allergens – wheat, corn, and others -- will be eliminated from the diet for a period of time. If the reactions disappear, that food is likely the culprit and will need to be permanently avoided.

Inhalants, unfortunately, are a bit harder to trace and may require skin testing for diagnosis. Allergies to pollen and the like, however, tend to be seasonal, so if your dog's allergic reactions seem to come and go on a seasonal schedule, there is likely an environmental factor to their condition.

How Canine Allergies are Treated

The easiest course of treatment for allergic reactions is avoidance, but sometimes, especially when dealing with seasonal allergies, avoidance isn't a possibility.

Allergy shots are one form of treatment that may be necessary for your dog's comfort and health. Allergy shots work by building up your dog's immunity to a specific allergen. Instead of your dog's body attacking the allergen upon contact, the shots will help to decrease your dog's body's reaction. This will decrease symptoms and ensure your dog stays healthy and happy.

To learn more about allergic reactions in canines, speak with your dog's veterinarian, one like South Hills Animal Hospital

About Me

Keeping My Dog Healthy

As soon as I brought my pet home from the store, I realized that things were going to be different. He brought a sense of importance to my life that I didn't have before, because I had to take care of him every day. It was amazing to be with him and enjoy his presence, and then one day, he got sick. I realized that I didn't have the skills to take care of his illness, so I consulted a professional veterinarian for help. My vet gave him the medicine that he needed, and he also taught me how to care for my sweet little guy. This blog is all about taking care of your pet and keeping him or her healthy, so that you can enjoy your life.

