Natural Flea Treatment Options For Your Dog

If you have a dog who is infested with fleas, not only can it be uncomfortable for your pup, but the bites can even lead to a severe allergic reaction. In severe cases, your dog may suffer from anemia or even tapeworm. If you've been reluctant to treat your dog with a chemical flea treatment, you'll be happy to know that there are other options.  Here are some natural flea treatment alternatives for your dog.

Start With a Bath

Frequent baths will help keep flea infestations at bay. Since fleas don't attach themselves to hair shafts, you can rinse them off your dog easily with water during a bath. To eliminate the stubborn ones that still hang on, use a citrus shampoo and follow it with a thorough rinse.

Follow Up with Repellent

Once you've bathed your pup, you'll want to start building barriers to keep the fleas away. There are a few natural repellent options you can choose.

  • Citrus – Citrus is a great repellent for fleas. Squeeze some fresh lemon or orange juice and work it into your dog's fur. It'll be safe to consume, which is good if your dog licks his or her fur. This is a good alternative for the chemical repellents that could potentially make your dog sick.
  • Garlic – Crush a clove of garlic into your dog's food daily or provide the pup with a supplement each day. The odor created when your dog metabolizes the garlic will keep the fleas away because they find its odor offensive.
  • Brewer's Yeast – Brewer's yeast contains thiamine, which is a natural deterrent. Feed your dog a brewer's yeast supplement each day to help discourage the fleas from coming back. You can also find brewer's yeast in a powder form, which you can apply directly to the skin. It is effective at keeping the fleas away, and it's safe for your pup to lick.

With so many different options available, you may be able to help your dog combat flea infestations without the use of chemical flea treatments. Unfortunately, these options don't work for every dog. If they don't work for your dog, you can reach out to your veterinarian or animal hospital for a prescription treatment. In the event that your dog's flea infestation is causing an allergic reaction or other serious problem, you should visit a local animal hospital for urgent care services. They can help treat the effects of the fleas to help your dog feel better.

About Me

Keeping My Dog Healthy

As soon as I brought my pet home from the store, I realized that things were going to be different. He brought a sense of importance to my life that I didn't have before, because I had to take care of him every day. It was amazing to be with him and enjoy his presence, and then one day, he got sick. I realized that I didn't have the skills to take care of his illness, so I consulted a professional veterinarian for help. My vet gave him the medicine that he needed, and he also taught me how to care for my sweet little guy. This blog is all about taking care of your pet and keeping him or her healthy, so that you can enjoy your life.

